Assalamualaikum semua :)

Baca tittle post nie and fahamkan maksudnya .  Korang semua tahu isu nie kan ? Ape korang rase tentang isu nieyh ? Adakah gembira , sedih ataupum ta rse ape ap ? Post kali nieyh Fafa na share something ngan korang :')

Korang tgok gamba kat bawah nieyh ::

Budak di Gaza masih boleh terseyum :')
Seorang bayi meninggal dunia di Gaza ;'(

Apa korang rase ? Sedih , Hiba , Terharu , Teruja ataupun kosong ? 

Can you imagine you in their place ? Can you imagine you lost your parents in your childhood ? Can you imagine you lost your kid who was a baby ? Can you imagine this happen to our country , Malaysia ?

Fafa ta boleh bayangkan semua bende nie terjadi kat negara kita .  

Now , they want your help . Not your money , not your food or not your clothes . But , they only need one thing from all of you . Only one thing . That is your DOA :') . Yes , DOA . Can you help our family in Gaza ?  I hope we can help Gaza with our powerful DOA :')

* Hanya mampu melihat dari jauh wahai saudaraku , Gaza :'(

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